opening of the exhibition
School of Arts of the University of Nova Gorica presents
Spaces in space / Prostori v prostoru / Spazi nello spazio
presentation of short films:
Družina prstov / The Finger family, Anja Paternoster
Kadilka / Smoker's delight, Ana Prebil
Za zaprtimi roletami / Behind closed shutters, Miha Reja
Pipi in Popi, Katja Pivk
Elsie, Larisa Nagode
Away from keyboard, Natalia Moiseeva
Home, Vasily Kuzmich
Zadnje poletje / Last summer, Irena Gatej
Foto album / Photo album, Luka Mavrić
Sufficient, Nika Karner
Jury's special mention
Celebration of the 100th anniversary of the film
Das Kabinet des Dr. Caligari (Weine, 1920, 80')
Giorgio Pacorig (IT) and Jan Vysocky (CZ);
with introduction by Vysocky and Ivan Antić
''I must know
I must penetrate
his secrets --
I must become
Saturday / sobota / sabato, 3.10.2020
Mostovna, Nova Gorica
Jury's special mention
Jury's special mention
Laugh lines, Patricia Wenger (CH),
2018, 5'52''
Francis I. (IT)
funky-electro-hiphop concert
cancelled in case of bad weather
shorts for families in School of arts, UNG production
film screening for families
Sandlines, the story of History
Francis Alÿs, 2020, 61'
workshop performance
Slot for the selected music videos - all of them are being presented in loop in Carinarnica, Nova Gorica, 29. 9. - 6. 10. 2020
Grown as the young seed of the “Tribute to a Vision” festival, the new platform entitled “First Crossings” is finding its way up into the light. We support innovation, style and strong new film languages. We prefer experimentation and artistic freedom, to solid traditional cinema forms. We are on the border and we strive towards merging all boundaries into a unique platform that voices all cultures.
M O R E S T O R I E S, L E S S B O U N D A R I E S !
program selectors
Sandra Jovanovska, multimedia multitasking artist
Dora Ciccone, cinema student, critic and lover
Aljaž Škrlep, wannabe philosopher
Sara Brollo, film lover
festival trailer
Leo Černic - Čino, film director, animator
graphic design
Vida Rucli, architect
Anna Moschioni, graphic designer
Charlotte Chauvin, illustrator