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8. 8. 2024

Villa De Nordis, ulica degli Scogli 70, Gorica

Potujoči Kino Soča-Isonzo Cinema, ki povezuje filmska prizorišča v čezmejnem slovensko-italijanskem prostoru, bo 8. avgusta ob 21. uri usmeril pogled v veliko platno, postavljeno na mejno črto med Novo Gorico in Gorico. Prvič bo zaživel Letni kino Vila De Nordis na edinstveni lokaciji, kjer se meja nenadoma obrne za 90 stopinj okoli samotne vile. Na ogled bo postavljen glasbeni film Gloria! režiserke Margherite Vicario, ki je bil okronan z nagrado srebrni filmski trak (Nastro d'Argento) za najboljšo glasbeno podlago, ki jo v Italiji vsako leto podeljuje odbor filmskih novinarjev.

Ob koncu druge svetovne vojne je bila vila v lasti grofice Liduške de Nordis Hornik, ki je živela med Gorico in Afriko, kjer je skrbela za svoje plantaže. Skrivnostne so zgodbe o tem, kako so njena znanstva omogočila, da je njena rojstna hiša ostala na italijanskem ozemlju. Ni znano, ali so odmik meje omogočili vplivni prijatelji ali legendarne zabave. Morda je pomagala prijateljica Sarah Churchill, hčerka britanskega državnika, ki je bila večkrat na slovitih zabavah v Gorici. Vsekakor pa je bila grofica ena od žensk, ki je zaznamovala ta prostor in njegovo zgodovino, četudi v šolskih učbenikih ne najdemo njenega imena.

Prav s tematiko v zgodovini spregledanih žensk se ukvarja tudi film Gloria!, v katerem spremljamo Tereso, ki dela kot služkinja v katoliški glasbeni ustanovi za dekleta na koncu 18. stoletja. Ob prihajajočem obisku novoustoličenega papeža Pija VII. zavlada kaos. Medtem ko se zborovodja trudi ustvariti novo pesem, ki bo zaznamovala ta pomembni obisk, Teresa v shrambi odkrije novo izumljeno glasbilo – klavir. Skupaj s skupino glasbenic bo ustvarila glasbeni presežek stoletja.

Na projekciji bo z nami igralka iz filma, Goričanka Anita Kravos, ki je v pozdrav dogodku zapisala takole: »Zadnji prizor filma smo snemali v cerkvi na Semeniški ulici v Gorici, ki je nastala v 14. stoletju. Ker je film postavljen v leto 1700, je bila lokacija prava.« Poudarila je tudi, da ima zelo prijetne spomine na tako dobro družbo in da je v zadnjem času opazila veliko zanimanje za mlade slovensko govoreče igralce, kar jo zelo veseli.

Dogodek bo potekal na lokaciji Villa De Nordis, ulica degli Scogli 70, Gorica, s pričetkom ob 21. uri.

V primeru slabega vremena bo projekcija naslednji dan, 9. avgusta 2024.

Pred projekcijo, ob 19. uri, bo potekal voden ogled vile, za kar je obvezna predhodna prijava na, saj je število mest omejeno. Kotizacija znaša 10 eur.

Dogodek je pripravljen v sodelovanju Kinoateljeja z Vilo De Nordis in festivaloma Poklon viziji ter Dnevi svetlobe iz Spilimberga.

Projekt GGC financira Evropska unija iz Sklada za male projekte GO! 2025 programa Interreg VI-A Italija-Slovenija 2021-2027, ki ga upravlja EZTS GO. &

Dogodek je del uradnega programa Evropske prestolnice kulture GO! 2025.

28. 7. 2024


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Urbana novogoriška ploščad se bo že dvanajsto leto zapored prelevila v Letni kino Silvana Furlana, kjer bomo pod zvezdnatim nebom usmerjali pogled v šopek žanrsko raznolikih filmskih poslastic, ki so požele uspehe tako pri občinstvu kot na festivalih v mednarodnem prostoru. Med 24. in 31. julijem bo ob 21. uri letni kino v goriški prostor prinesel kar nekaj novitet in nosil tudi zrno družbene kritike.

V nedeljo, 28. 7., bomo na utripali z vrhuncem sodobne italijanske kinematografije z naslovom Jutri je še en dan. Paola Cortellesi, ki v vlogi režiserke in glavne igralke z obilico podrobnosti predstavi vsakdanjik rimske delavske družine po 2. svetovni vojni, je Italijane trumoma privabila v kinodvorane. Film je prejel pet nagrad David di Donatello, ki jih podeljuje Italijanska filmska akademija, nagrada srebrni trak združenja italijanskih filmskih novinarjev za najboljši film leta.

PREDFILM: Režiser Giulio De Paolis bo predstavil svoj kratki film (Ne)vidni zidovi, ki je nastal v koprodukciji Kinoateljeja.

Projekcija se bo odvila okviru mreže festivalov, ki povezuje čezmejni filmski festival Poklon viziji (Gorica, Nova Gorica), filmski festival Mednarodna nagrada Sergio Amidei za najboljši scenarij iz Gorice (Italija), mednarodni festival Kino Otok in z mednarodni filmski festival Dnevi svetlobe iz Spilimberga (Italija).


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V poletnih mesecih se v goriški prostor vrača kultni film Rdeči boogie ali Kaj ti je deklica, ki ga je režiral Karpo Godina leta 1982. Po sijajni predpremieri maja na simpoziju Vzhod / Zahod: Meja skozi film in zgodovino se bo film zdaj zavrtel še v okviru potujočega Kina Soča - Isonzo Cinema in Letnega kina Silvana Furlana.

Film je umeščen v čas po drugi svetovni vojni, ko je v teku socialistična petletka. Radijska hiša pošlje skupino mladih glasbenikov na teren - na delovišča delovnih brigad, v kmetijske zadruge in na gradbišča. Njihova naloga je dvigniti moralo med ljudmi. Medtem ko skušajo razveseliti množice s svojo glasbo, se mladi glasbeniki sami znajdejo v nenavadni situaciji: prevzgojevati se morajo v zavedne mladince, saj je njihov džezovski in boogie glasbeni žanr označen kot imperialistični. Vodja skupine je Maks, prekaljen lomilec ženskih src, katerega prihodnost je odvisna od uspeha turneje.

Film bo na ogled na slavnostni otvoritvi dvanajstega Letnega kina Silvana Furlana v Novi Gorici, in sicer 24. julija 2024 ob 21. uri. Prva od projekcij v okviru potujočega kina bo potekala v Letnem kinu Štanjel 11. julija 2024 ob 21. uri, na lokaciji Grajsko dvorišče v Štanjelu. Druga pa bo v Letnem kinu Bovec, ki bo izvedena 16. avgusta 2024 ob 21.00 na ARC Island, letališču Bovec.

Restavrirano kopijo filma so pripravili Slovenska kinoteka v sodelovanju s Slovenskim filmskim arhivom in Slovenskim filmskim centrom. Dogodek je še posebej poseben, saj je Karpo Godina prejemnik nagrade Darko Bratina, ki jo podeljujemo na čezmejnem filmskem festivalu Poklon viziji.

V Slovenski kinoteki medtem še naprej teče razstava z naslovom Karpo Godina: Filmski imaginarij, ki bo na ogled do 22. decembra. Razstava se osredotoča na režiserjevo umetnost, ki združuje estetsko dovršenost in družbeno kritiko. Karpo Godina ostaja ključen avtor, katerega delo pomembno prispeva k oblikovanju kritične in človekoljubne zavesti, kar še dodatno poudarja pomembnost filma v slovenski kinematografiji.

Julija smo organizirali ogled razstave Karpo Godina: Filmski imaginarij za mlado delegacijo mladinskega festivala Giffoni iz Italije, ki so gostovali na filmskem festivalu Nagrada Sergio Amidei, partner katerega je tudi čezmejni filmski festival Poklon Viziji.


Masterclass by Stephan Komandarev: Darko Bratina 2023 awardee and main guest of the cross-border festival Tribute to a Vision, Bulgarian director, screenwriter and producer

Wednesday, October 18, 2023: 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM
House of Film (Palazzo Del Cinema) / Piazza della Vittoria 41 / Gorizia

The masterclass program was divided into two parts. In the first part, they watched selected excerpts from the author's rich body of work and focused on his process of creating documentary and fiction films: from crafting screenplays to working with actors. Stephan Komandarev's refined cinematic language, distinctive poetics, and recognizable narrative left a mark on Bulgarian cinema as well as European cinema. Originally trained as a psychiatrist, Stephan Komandarev sensitively exposed the socio-political conditions of the working class in Bulgaria and, through the language of social realism, consistently reflected on the state and its contradictions during the transition from socialism to capitalism. Engaging in a dialogue with the author were the festival's program selector and journalist Patricija Maličev, as well as the festival's program collaborator and journalist and writer Dimiter Kenarov.

In the second part of the masterclass, they screened the documentary film "The Town of Badante Women" (2010, 70'), which addressed female labor migration from the northwestern Bulgarian town of Varshets, also known as the "town without women." These women left their families to work as caregivers in foreign households, while men took on all domestic responsibilities, cooking, cleaning, and... waiting for financial remittances. The social structure of Varshets changed and transformed, reminiscent of the Goriška region during the transition from the 19th to the 20th century, with its well-known Alexandrine women who went to Egypt in search of a livelihood. Before the screening, an insightful reflection on current labor migrations as portrayed in the documentary film "The Town of Badante Women" was provided by the eminent expert on Alexandrine history, researcher and lecturer Dr. Katja Mihurko Poniž.

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11. 7. 2024


Letos tretjič bo na goriškem festivalu Nagrada Sergio Amidei v sodelovanju s čezmejnim filmskim festivalom Poklon viziji zaživela sekcija Agorà, kjer v dialog postavimo deli dveh filmskih avtorjev. Sekcija, ki jo kurira Steven Stergar, nastaja v duhu povezovanja in preseganja meja, predvsem pa stremi k promociji filmske umetnosti v pričakovanju leta 2025 in Evropske prestolnice kulture EPK GO! 2025.

V Hiši filma v Gorici bosta 11. julija 2024 predstavljena dva filma, delo slovenske režiserke Ester Ivakič in delo italijanskega režiserja Paola Strippolija, mlada eksperimentatorja v polju svojih nacionalnih kinematografij. Projekcijama bo sledil poglobljen pogovor, v katerem bosta sodelovala oba filmska avtorja, povezoval pa ga bo kurator sekcije Agorà, Steven Stergar.

»Danes je žanrski film vse prej kot enostavno kategoriziran ali ekskluziven; postal je polje eksperimentiranja, ki temelji na prepletu različnih jezikov ter formalnih in izraznih pravil. Tretja uresničitev sekcije Agorà se osredotoča na žanrski film, ki ga preučuje kot teoretsko, produkcijsko in eksperimentalno polje,« je zapisal Steven Stergar v eseju, objavljenem v festivalskem katalogu. S tega polja po njegovih besedah vedno bolj vznikajo novi talenti, téme in odmevi, ki ponujajo interpretacije sodobnosti, daleč od površinskosti ali predvidljivosti.

Četrtek, 11. 7. 2024
ob 13.30, dvorana 2 goriškega kina Kinemax
Filma režiserke Ester Ivakič:
Srdohrd (2016) in Assunta (2018)
Film režiserja Paola Strippolija:
Piove (2022)
ob 15.45 dvorana 2 goriškega kina Kinemax
Srečanje z avtorjema.


7. 6. 2024


Kinoatelje warmly invites you to celebrate the longstanding partnership between the international film festival Kino Otok – Isola Cinema and the cross-border film festival Tribute to a Vision. Join us as we mingle with fellow creators of cinematic art and look ahead to 2025, when our hometowns of Nova Gorica and Gorizia will become the European Capital of Culture. This Otok gathering is part of the Kinovozlišče project, which is included in the official program of the European Capital of Culture 2025 Nova Gorica – Gorizia.

We will be basking in the sun on June 7 at 6 PM at the charming Bife Pri Kralju (Largo pri Špini, Isola), where we will enjoy each other’s company, exchange film ideas, strengthen old friendships, and forge new ones.

We look forward to spending time with you, Kinoatelje and European Capital of Culture 2025 Nova Gorica – Gorizia.



O, kako majhna
je trafika
v primeri s soncem.
Človek je kakor martinček,
ki ima rad sonce.
In vendar.
Sonce gre za menoj.

(Srečko Kosovel)

Mreženje otok in epk 7.6.2024 3.JPG


1. 8. 2024

Taking part of the Tribute to a Vision cross-border film festival, First Crossings is a young festival section for discovering new film languages within the short film form. Based in the cross-border area between Slovenia and Italy, we welcome films that somehow revolve around the border in the broadest sense of the word, be it regarding form or content. We encourage original, daring, and underrepresented ideas with social, dramatic, and transformative impact to draw attention towards the short audio-visual forms of all genres.

Call for entries is now open.
Deadline for submitting is August 1, 2024.

FIRST CROSSINGS is a festival platform that presents brave, youth–hearted, innovative authors that find exciting ways to explore new cinematic perspectives. With its 7th edition on the way, First Crossings is again in search of aesthetically novel, cutting-edge films, both from emerging and well-established authors who strive towards the foundation of new film languages. First Crossings will be organized within the compelling film festival program of Tribute To A Vision, organized by the audiovisual center Kinoatelje. We are proud to offer a symbolic cash prize to our best short, awarded by our esteemed jury members, as well as our dear audiences.

Applicants are required to fulfill the application via FilmFreeway.

What kind of films do we accept?
All genres and formats up to 30 min. of length *
(*Films must have been completed in the current or previous three years).

Who can apply?
Open to projects (short films) from the whole world.
(Any Foreign film that is not in English must have English subtitles.)

Dates and venue
From 08-13 October 2024 in the cross-border region around Nova Gorica (Slovenia) and Gorizia (Italy).

Should filmmakers require assistance or have questions, they can contact us at
We look forward to seeing your films!
More about the festival:

Awards & Prizes
- Jury award (500 euros)
- Audience award (recognition)



7. 5. 2024

Na tretjem simpoziju Vzhod / Zahod: Meja skozi film in zgodovino, ki preko gibljivih podob raziskuje življenje ob slovensko-italijanski meji, se 7. maja ob 20.30 v goriški Hiši filma obeta izjemno filmsko doživetje. Prikazana bo sveže restavrirana kopija filma Rdeči boogie ali Kaj ti je deklica režiserja Karpa Godine iz leta 1982. Ob tej priložnosti gostimo režiserja.

Film je umeščen v čas po drugi svetovni vojni, ko je v teku socialistična petletka. Radijska hiša pošlje skupino mladih glasbenikov na teren - na delovišča delovnih brigad, v kmetijske zadruge in na gradbišča. Njihova naloga je dvigniti moralo med ljudmi. Medtem ko skušajo razveseliti množice s svojo glasbo, se mladi glasbeniki sami znajdejo v nenavadni situaciji: prevzgojevati se morajo v zavedne mladince, saj je njihov džezovski in boogie glasbeni žanr označen kot imperialistični. Vodja skupine je Maks, prekaljen lomilec ženskih src, katerega prihodnost je odvisna od uspeha turneje.

Film nas popelje na potovanje v razmajanem avtobusu in medtem razkriva tragikomične dinamike med umetnostjo, politiko in vsakdanjim življenjem v povojni družbi. Restavrirano kopijo filma so pripravili Slovenska kinoteka v sodelovanju s Slovenskim filmskim arhivom pri Arhivu Republike Slovenije in Slovenskim filmskim centrom.

Posebnost tega dogodka pa je še v tem, da je bil avtor filma prejemnik nagrade Darko Bratina leta 2012 na čezmejnem filmskem festivalu Poklon viziji. Nagrado je prejel za celovitost njegovega avtorskega dela v vlogi režiserja in direktorja fotografije ter za pedagoško delo na področju usposabljanja novih filmskih generacij. Njegov opus se odlikuje po stilistični tankočutnosti in drznem eksperimentiranju, ki vedno poudarja povezavo med poetično in politično ravnjo ter izraža tako ironično distanco kot iskreno sočutje do ljudi v večkulturnem prostoru.

Tako film Rdeči boogie ali Kaj ti je deklica kot tudi celotno delo Karpa Godine sta pomembna prispevka k oblikovanju kritične in človekoljubne zavesti, ki spodbuja prizadevanje za svobodno in pluralno družbo tako v okviru jugoslovanskega kinematografskega prostora kot v slovenskem filmu.

V Slovenski kinoteki bodo v svojih razstavnih prostorih 23. maja 2024 odprli razstavo z naslovom Karpo Godina: Filmski imaginarij, ki bo na ogled do 22. decembra. »Karpo Godina je kot umetnik presunljivo estetsko dovršen, vselej subverziven, a neciničen, kot humanist je duhovit in dosledno radoveden, kot obrtnik je mojster in kot človek vselej zavezan raziskovanju in občudovanju sveta, ki ga obdaja. /.../ Razstava obravnava spoj vsega naštetega, skrbno uokvirjenega skozi okular kamere, znotraj meja statičnega kadra,« so ob tem zapisali.


14. 3. 2024

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Cikel slovenskega filma v Italiji bo svoj tretji odmev doživel 14. marca 2024 v družbi režiserke Petre Seliškar. Njen novi dokumentarni film Telo, ki popelje v skrivnosti človeškega telesa ter moči umetnosti in prijateljstva, bo na ogled z italijanskimi podnapisi ob 20. uri v Hiši filma v Gorici. Dogodek v Kinoateljeju pripravljamo v sodelovanju s produkcijsko hišo Petra Pan.

Režiserka je kar dve desetletji s kamero spremljala svojo prijateljico Urško, ki se pogumno spopada z redkimi avtoimunskimi boleznimi. Gledalce vodi skozi občutljivo zgodbo o življenju in notranjem svetu »med sanjami, resničnostjo in škodo, ki jo povzročajo bolezen in zdravila.« Dokumentaristka, prejemnica nagrade Darko Bratina iz leta 2008, v filmu prepleta mešanico intimnih pogovorov, osebnih arhivov in impresionističnih podob, razkrivajoč globoko človeško izkušnjo. Telo, ki je tudi letošnji dobitnik nagrade vesna za najboljši dokumentarni film na Festivalu slovenskega filma, ni le zgodba o bolezni, temveč o moči človeškega duha.

Po projekciji se bo občinstvo lahko srečalo z režiserko Petro Seliškar.

Skozi cikel v Kinoateljeju zaznamujemo letošnjo 25. obletnico podeljevanja nagrade Darko Bratina na festivalu Poklon viziji. Skupaj z gostjami in gosti praznujemo četrt stoletja nagrade, ki nosi sporočilo o transformativni, humanistični in poetični moči filmskih podob.

»Gremo nazaj v leto 2007 , ki je bilo za našo novonastalo družinico polno potovanj po celem svetu. Moj prvi celovečerni film Babice Revolucije je bil festivalsko uspešen in ravno sem rodila hči Terro.  Festival Poklon viziji  zame ostaja pomemben trenutek v mojem življenju, iz več razlogov; najprej ker sem se po dolgih letih vrnila v Slovenijo in je bila to prva nagrada v Sloveniji, ki sem jo prejela, no, tehnično gledano v Italiji. Zame je to nagrada s posebno težo, tudi fizično, ker je težka, kot se spomnim. Še težja je, ker nosi ime Darka Bratine. Takrat se spomnim, da mi je Nadja Velušček pripovedovala o njem in o začetkih Kinoateljeja, presunila me je zgodba, kako so fizično začeli prikazovati slovenski film čez mejo med Italijo in Slovenijo – filmsko platno med dvema kulturama, ki sta se zaradi vojne odtujili. To se mi še vedno zdi vizionarsko,  edinstven način komunikacije in kreativen način, ki bi se lahko apliciral na marsikatero mejo. Za to idejo stoji Darko Bratina, ki se je kasneje ukvarjal z politiko manjšin in marsikaj dosegel. In to, da sta nam denarni del iz sklada izročili hčerki, ki nadaljujeta njegovo poslanstvo,« je ob tem povedala režiserka.

Cikel nastaja v sodelovanju s Slovenskim filmskim centrom, Hišo filma ter Uradom vlade za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu, in del uradnega programa Evropske prestolnice kulture GO! 2025.

Snovanja cikla smo se lotili v duhu prelomne retrospektive z naslovom Cinema sloveno 1946-1981 Slovenski film, ko je bila leta 1981 v Gorici italijanski javnosti premierno predstavljena slovenska kinematografija, do tedaj v tujini vedno prikazana le v sklopu jugoslovanske. »Gorica je postala opazovalnica slovenskega filma in družbe v spreminjanju,« je ob 25-letnici dogodka povedal Aleš Doktorič, takratni predsednik Kinoateljeja. Naj prav to še naprej ostane izziv in poziv naši čezmejni cinefilski skupnosti.

It's no longer a secret when the cross-border film festival Tribute to Vision will come to life again! In 2024, we will meet between October 8th and 13th and together commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Darko Bratina Award. In the year of the European Capital of Culture GO! 2025, we will explore socially engaged cinematography by renowned and young authors between October 7th and 12th. We are excitedly crafting the festival program and can't wait to share it with you.

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18. 1. 2024

Vabimo vas, da se nam pridružite na prvem večeru Cikla slovenskega filma v Italiji, ki ga Kinoatelje prireja v četrtek, 18. januarja 2024, ob 20.30 uri v goriški Hiši filma.  Začenjamo z italijansko premiero novega dokumentarca Maje Weiss, prve dobitnice nagrade Darko Bratina 1999. Čustveno potovanje skozi temne epohe zgodovine nosi naslov Zajeti v izviru - Slovenski otroci Lebensborna in bo opremljen z italijanskimi podnapisi. Na projekciji bodo navzoči avtorica filma, producentka Ida Weiss iz produkcijske hiše Bela film ter soscenaristka Nataša Konc Lorenzutti.
Film, ki bo pospremil dan spomina na žrtve holokavsta, usmerja pogled v čas druge svetovne vojne skozi objektiv štirih otrok, poslednjih še živečih žrtev nacističnega rasnega eksperimenta. Leta 1942 je bilo okrog trideset »rasno ustreznih« slovenskih otrok vključenih v zloglasni nacistični program Lebensborn, ki ga je zasnoval Heinrich Himmler in je bil namenjen širitvi arijske rase. Večina teh otrok je bila oddana v posvojitev nemškim parom, ki so bili vsaj na videz zvesti nacističnemu režimu. Protagonisti filma današnjemu svetu, ki je sredi novih vojn, v Ukrajini, v Afriki, na Bližnjem Vzhodu, sporočajo: »Največje žrtve vsake vojne, na obeh straneh, napadalca in napadenega, so otroci. Mir je največja vrednota
Film tako ne prikazuje le pretresljive zgodbe med Nemčijo in Slovenijo na individualni in kolektivni ravni, pripoveduje tudi o ukradenih otrocih iz Ukrajine, pravi Maja Weiss: »Protagonisti v filmu, ne glede na nacionalno pripadnost, sporočajo, da so odpuščanje, kompromis, sprejemanje različnosti, solidarnost in ljubezen, pomembni za ohranjanje miru v svetu, ki ga je vedno manj.« Barvanje črno-belih fotografij in gibljivih podob daje pretresljivi zgodbi poseben pečat, gledalca opozarja, da se vojna ni dogajala le nekoč, ampak se dogaja tu in zdaj, pred nami in našimi očmi. Posebnost filma je tudi njegova tehnična izvedba v postprodukciji, saj gre za prvi v celoti arhivsko kolorirani slovenski celovečerni dokumentarni film.
Leta 1999 je prva nagrada Darko Bratina romala v roke Maje Weiss za njen film Cesta bratstva in enotnosti. Goriško občinstvo bo imelo priložnost videti, kako se režiserka še naprej neomajno podaja v raziskovanje potlačenih in manj hvaležnih vprašanj o identiteti in zgodovini.

Spomin na prejetje nagrade Darko Bratina
Počaščena sem, da sem leta 1999 kot prva prejela nagrado Darko Bratina za celovečerni dokumentarni film Cesta bratstva in enotnosti,  za »road movie«, film ceste, z zgodbami, ki so umeščene po republikah nekdanje Jugoslavije; za film s prikazanimi človeškimi  opostošenji vseh vrst in razsežnosti, ki so se zgodili v tej prvi vojni v Evropi po letu 1945.
Cesta bratstva in enotnosti je bil tudi prvi film neodvisne produkcije Bela film, ustanovljene 1998, ki sva ga naredili skupaj s sestro, producentko Ido Weiss. Lastnoročno sva posneli film s kupljeno video kamero  za denar, ki sva ga prejeli iz sklada Georga Sorosa iz New Yorka. Film je takratni Slovenski filmski sklad zavrnil, podprla pa ga je Televizija Slovenija. Film je bil mednarodno priznan, zelo uspešen.
Zame je prejetje nagrade v Gorici pomenilo veliko čast, ker sem jo prejela iz rok Aleša Doktoriča. Imela sem ga čast spoznati že pred letom 1999, saj je v Gorici vodil
Film Video Monitor, pomemben festival, kjer so bili prikazani tudi nekateri moji dokumentarci, ki so nastali že pred Cesto bratstva in enotnosti, med njimi tudi Trst na meji (1996).

Aleš Doktorič je bil pomembna zamejska osebnost, intelektualec, kulturnik, erudit,  medkulturni in mednacionalni povezovalec, občutljiv za manjšine in marginalizirane teme, za krivico in resnico, kritični premišljevalec, filmofil, ki je postal pomemben producent AV-vsebih spregledanih obmejnih tematik. Radoveden, omikan, širok –  skratka humanist. Odličen naslednik dediščine Darka Bratine, ki pa ga osebno žal nisem spoznala, umrl je leta 1997.
V čast mi je, da bo ob jubileju, 25-letnici ustanovitve nagrade Darko Bratina, prikazan moj/naš novi celovečerni film
Zajeti v izviru - Slovenski otroci Lebensborna. Prepričana sem, da bi se tudi ta film globoko dotaknil obeh, tako Darka Bratine kot Aleša Doktoriča, ker pravzaprav vsebuje vse tisto, za kar sta se borila in si prizadevala v svojem filmskem, kulturnem in družbenem delu. V prepoznavanju filma kot izjemnega izraznega sredstva komunikacije med ljudmi, ki govori o družbi, iz družbe in hkrati vpliva nazaj na družbo, jo ozavešča in senzibilizira, v dobroti, solidarnosti in upanju, ki umre zadnje.
Hvala obema, delu in duhu Darka Bratine, ter delu in duhu Aleša Doktoriča. Hvala sodelavcem Kinoateljeja in uspešno na nadaljnji poti njihovega pomembnega poslanstva. Hvala, da ste
Zajete v izviru prevedli v italijanščino in da bo ta pretresljiva slovenska zgodba svetovnih razsežnosti na ogled tudi za italijansko občinstvo.

Maja Weiss

Zaživel bo Cikel slovenskega filma 2024/25
Gledalcem bomo skozi cikel tudi nadalje ponudili razgiban vpogled tako v aktualno kot tudi v restavrirano slovensko filmsko produkcijo. Nastaja v sodelovanju s Slovenskim filmskim centrom, Hišo filma ter Uradom vlade za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu, in je del uradnega programa Evropske prestolnice kulture GO! 2025. S programom bomo počastili tudi 25. obletnico podeljevanja nagrade Darko Bratina na festivalu Poklon viziji, ki nosi sporočilo o transformativni, humanistični in poetični moči filmskih podob.
Snovanja cikla smo se lotili v duhu prelomne retrospektive z naslovom Cinema sloveno 1946-1981 Slovenski film, ko je bila leta 1981 v Gorici italijanski javnosti premierno predstavljena slovenska kinematografija, do tedaj v tujini vedno prikazana le v sklopu jugoslovanske. »Gorica je postala opazovalnica slovenskega filma in družbe v spreminjanju,« je ob 25-letnici dogodka povedal Aleš Doktorič, takratni predsednik Kinoateljeja. Naj prav to še naprej ostane izziv in poziv naši čezmejni cinefilski skupnosti.

Ozrimo se nazaj. 


19. 10. 2023

At the cross-border film festival Tribute to a Vision, on Thursday in the Slovenian National Theater Nova Gorica, we awarded the Darko Bratina award for the 24th time in a row. This year, it was awarded to the Bulgarian director, producer and screenwriter Stephan Komandarev for his in-depth film opus of documentaries and feature films, which in the past three decades marked not only Bulgarian but also European cinema with the recognizable narration of a critical contemporary thinker.

Komandarev was very honored to receive the award. Among other things, he said: "For me, this is a big and important award, as it is the first one I receive for my entire oeuvre. I think this is a moment when I can look at myself and question what I have done so far and chart a path for the future." He is glad that he had the opportunity to learn about a very special festival that takes place in two cities, although they look like one, and that during his interventions and masterclass he was able to meet a very intelligent audience. A particularly valuable moment for him was when he was able to present one of his films to young high school students who are the same age as his son.

We also announced the winning short films from the First Crossings section. The jury prize went to the film Electra, directed by Daria Kashcheeva, who, with an extremely creative and unpredictable narration, was able to present a very simple story in a way that is far from simple. A special mention goes to the film Sprouting by the Slovenian director Ivana Vogrinc Vidali, which gave us perhaps the most important message in these times, "that's enough, we've had enough of this," the jury wrote. The audience award went to the short film Miracasas, created by Raphaëlle Stolz in collaboration with Augusto Zanovello. Congratulations to all the winners!

Here you can see the photo gallery of the festival.


Foto: Jakob Koncut


Foto: Jakob Koncut


16. 10. 2023


Čezmejni filmski festival Poklon viziji se bo začel v ponedeljek, 16. oktobra 2023, v Trstu in med obema Goricama, obetajoč paleto filmskih projekcij, pogovorov in razstav. Združil bo umetniške izraze in perspektive, ki nas bodo popeljali na nepozabno popotovanje skozi svet filma.

Festival se bo pričel ob 11. uri z novinarsko konferenco in uvodnim srečanjem gostov v kavarni San Marco. Z nami bodo režiser Harutin Hačatrian, producentka Tatevik Manukjan in pisatelj ter novinar Dimiter Kenarov.

Glavno prizorišče ponedeljkovega dogajanja bo Gledališče Miela, kjer bo ob 18. uri Kenarov skozi pogovor osvetlil frazo Novi red, stare meje. Ob 18.30 uri bo sledila projekcija Meja v režiji Harutina Hačatriana iz leta 2009, s predfilmom Back to Rock v režiji Gora Jengojana in Armina Harutinjana iz leta 2023. Po ogledu sledi pogovor z režiserjem slednjega. Festival bo nadaljeval svojo filmsko pot ob 21. uri, ko se bo predvajal film Sodba, ki ga je posnel tokratni nagrajenec Darko Bratina, Stefan Komandarev.

Istočasno se bodo dogodki odvili tudi v Novi Gorici in Gorici. Ob 17. uri bo v Carinarnici v Novi Gorici potekalo odprtje posebnega izbora eksperimentalnih kratkih filmov. Program pod naslovom Pod carinikovim oknom bo ves teden vabil mimoidoče v svet ustvarjalnih inovacij.

Nato se bo ob 18.30 uri v Galeriji TIR na Mostovni predvajal sklop filmov, zbranih pod imenom Kino Eklektika: življenje ali smrt, ki bodo tekmovali za nagrado občinstva. Občinstvo bo tako že prvi dan glasovalo za svoj najljubši kratki film. Po filmskem delu večera bo potekalo odprtje razstave z naslovom V režiji umetne inteligence. Prvi festivalski dan se bo zaključil v Gorici Hiši filma ob 20.30 uri s projekcijo celovečerca Smeri v režiji Stefana Komandareva.


Wednesday,  18. 10. 2023 at 15:00

Palazzo Del Cinema (Hiša filma) / Piazza della Vittoria 41 / Gorizia


A program of short films that presents, intertwines and juxtaposes the works of two cult filmmakers, unconventional film artists, independent creators of a new cinematic vision on society.

Mako Sajko, sharp mind, eternal youth, playfulness, sparkle of a senior of old age. A man who never complained, who told juicy stories that made us chuckle. He always watched all the films at the Dokudoc festival, for him our festival was a holiday. Mako is a symbol of Slovenian documentary film. We know it can be good, but unfortunately we like to disable it at times. With his ideas, which we call to life, Mako lives on with us for the development of Slovenian documentary film!

- Maja Malus Azhdari, program selector, DOKUDOC International Documentary Film Festival, Maribor

As we wrote some time ago, Vittorio De Seta was for us, the I Mille Occhi film festival organized by the Anno uno association, a gift that keeps on giving. His films were a step ahead of their time and outlined the guidelines of film art. The need for expression has transcended all technological and production barriers. Each of his visits to the festival was a gift and a discovery for those of us who already knew him, as well as for those who were just beginning to learn about his works. He was a great and irreplaceable personality.

- Mila Lazić, program associate of the I Mille Occhi festival

De Seta was born on October 15, 1923. In a few days he would have celebrated his hundredth birthday.

He died in November 2011 and was remembered by Martin Scorsese, who described him as "an anthropologist who spoke with the voice of a poet", as follows: "The news of the death of Vittorio De Seta shook me. His life was long and vital, and the last time I saw him a few years ago, he looked as if he had fifty years left to live, bursting with creativity, full of energy. De Seta is one of the greatest but neglected Italian directors, and his works deserve a much wider recognition. In the 1960s, we knew him for his extraordinary "Banditi a Orgosolo". Years later, we could see his documentaries in color, which he shot in the 1950s, poetic chronicles of life in southern Italy, Sardinia and Sicily. Those who saw the images, previously known to few, were fascinated by them. These are precious documents of customs and habits that were disappearing. (...) His oeuvre is one of the wonders of cinema. Vittorio De Seta was a truly great, dynamic artist and I mourn him."



De Seta al Mille occhi 2005_lepa.jpg

Archive I Mille Occhi


18. 10. 2023



Wednesday, October 18, 2023: 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM 

House of Film (Palazzo Del Cinema) / Piazza della Vittoria 41 / Gorizia

The masterclass program will be divided into two parts. In the first part we will watch selected excerpts from the author's rich body of work and we'll focus on his process of creating documentary and fiction films: from crafting screenplays to working with actors. Stephan Komandarev's refined cinematic language, distinctive poetics, and recognizable narrative have not only left their mark on Bulgarian cinema but on European cinema as well. Originally trained as a psychiatrist, Stephan Komandarev sensitively exposes the socio-political conditions of the working class in Bulgaria and, through the language of social realism, consistently reflects on the state and its contradictions during the transition from socialism to capitalism. Engaging in a dialogue with the author will be the festival's program selector and journalist Patricija Maličev, as well as the festival's program collaborator and journalist and writer Dimiter Kenarov.

In the second part of the masterclass, we will screen the documentary film "The Town of Badante Women" (2010, 70'), which addresses female labour migration from the northwestern Bulgarian town of Varshets, also known as the "town without women." These women leave their families to work as caregivers in foreign households, while men take on all domestic responsibilities, cooking, cleaning, and... waiting for financial remittances. The social structure of Varshets is changing and transforming, reminiscent of the Goriška region during the transition from the 19th to the 20th century, with its well-known Alexandrine women who went to Egypt in search of a livelihood. Before the screening, an insightful reflection on current labour migrations as portrayed in the documentary film "The Town of Badante Women," will be provided by the eminent expert on Alexandrine history, researcher and lecturer Dr. Katja Mihurko Poniž.

The day will conclude at 22:00 with an evening screening of the film "Rounds" (2019, 106’).

Participation in the event is free of charge.

Apply at:



V duhu širitve programa, ki se odvija ob snovanju Evropske prestolnice kulture GO! 2025, predstavljamo italijanskega režiserja Giacoma Abbruzzeseja in njegov celovečerni prvenec Disco Boy, za katerega je dobil več mednarodnih lovorik, tudi srebrnega medveda na 73. Berlinalu

»Abbruzzese se upravičeno uvršča med vizionarje ne le v strogo etimološkem pomenu besede, tj. umetnika, v katerem sobivajo vizije, duhovi in vizualne halucinacije, ki se vztrajno pojavljajo v njegovem celovečercu. Film je zanj tudi sredstvo za dojemanje resničnosti, ki počasi dozoreva, ter obenem orodje za razbiranje družbenega razvoja, ki ga njegova filmska umetnost v vrtincu sveta zaznava mnogo pred racionalnostjo.« Pisateljica in novinarka Cristina Battocletti

Čezmejni filmski festival Poklon viziji skupaj s festivali Nagrada Sergio Amidei iz Gorice, Giornate della luce iz Spilimberga in Kino Otok iz Izole tvori novo mrežo filmskih festivalov iz regije, ki se z organizacijo srečanj z avtorji in pripravo mojstrskih delavnic osredotoča na filmsko fotografijo in jezik. Mreža želi izpostaviti potencial, ki ga prihajajoča Evropska prestolnica kulture GO! 2025 nudi, in kjer bosta Nova Gorica in Gorica postali stičišče kinematografske kulture obeh držav.


Slovenian Cinematehque (Ljubljana), Cafe San Marco (Trst)

A discussion with Dimiter Kenarov, journalist, writer and professor in the Department of Journalism at the American University in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.

Every period in history has its own borders, both physical and psychological. Sometimes they expand, in times of radical political change, and sometimes they stagnate or even contract. One day we have a vision of the future and the next day our only possible horizon is the past; one day we experience time as moving forward and then we enter a cyclical pattern, where everything feels exactly and terribly the same.


How does our shifting perception of borders, and of time itself, affect the social and political order? Could it be that, despite the quick technological advances of our age, we've become stuck in one place. 



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During the 24th edition of the Tribute to Vision cross-border film festival, we will celebrate the 100 years of Armenian cinema. Harutyun Khachatryan, our Armenian friend, film director, director of the Golden Apricot Film Festival from Yerevan and recipient of the Darko Bratina Award 2009, returns as a special guest.

The extensive programme will offer a mini retrospective of Khachatryan’s works (in Gorizia, Trieste, Ljubljana, and Maribor), where his last two films Three Graves of the Artist and Endless Escape, Eternal Return will also be premiered. The audience will be able to connect through an exquisite photography with the nakedness of the human being, his search and struggle for happiness, freedom, and desire for community.

In those crazy times of ours, when 120.000 Armenians are blockaded in a piece of land stuck in humanitarian crisis without any open border, Harutyun Khachatryan is back to this borderless Tribute to a Vision IFF, to celebrate together the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Cinema with an impressive showcase of Armenian short films as well as a special exhibition and a mini-retrospective program of his films. Harutyun’s film Border will be screened again after more than 10 years - a film that eloquently embodies the cross-border concept of the festival. By Tatevik Manoukyan


V četrtek, 14. septembra, vas ob 20.00 vabimo v goriško Hišo filma – Palazzo del Cinema na projekcijo kultnega filma Pravilo igre (1939) francoskega režiserja Jeana Renoirja, ki po zaslugi izvrstne režije danes velja za enega najboljših filmov vseh časov. Organizatorja čezmejni filmski festival Poklon viziji in festival I Mille Occhi se s tem dogodkom želita pokloniti igralki Nori Gregor, katero je pot iz rodne Gorice ponesla v sam vrh tedanje evropske kinematografije. Pred nekaj desetletji je bil prav Kinoatelje prvi, ki je goriški igralki posvetil večletno raziskavo o njenem življenju in delu. Nastale so različne publikacije, multimedijska razstava in gledališka igra. Za uvod v film bo poskrbel Sergio Grmek Germani, filmski kritik, direktor tržaškega festivala I Mille Occhi.

Goričanka Nora Gregor (1901—1949) je nastopila v dveh največjih mojstrovinah dveh največjih filmskih režiserjev. Njeno odlično igro v glavni vlogi lahko spremljamo v celovečernem nemem filmu Michael (1925) režiserja Carla Theodorja Dreyerja in v filmu Pravilo igre (La règle du jeu, 1939) vrhunskega režiserja Jeana Renoirja. V omenjenem obdobju je nastopila še v številnih drugih delih, preden se je zatekla v Južno Ameriko, da bi pobegnila pred nacističnim preganjanjem. V Čilu je je odigrala svojo zadnjo vlogo v filmu, ki ga je režiral oče Olivierja Assayasa, enega vidnejših režiserjev današnje francoske kinematografije.

Dogodek je del programa Evropske prestolnice kulture GO! 2025.

14. 9. 2023

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23. 8. 2023


V sredo, 23. avgusta, ob 20. uri bomo v Kanalu že deveto leto zapored skupaj s Parkom Pečno in društvom O. Z. O. N. priredili filmski večer, ki nosi ime Kino v gozdu. V letošnji izvedbi se je k sodelovanju pridružil tudi čezmejni filmski festival Poklon viziji, ki prinaša film Turnir pri Šumiku (1965) legendarnega slovenskega režiserja Maka Sajka. Izbor njegovih filmov bo predstavljen tudi na festivalu, ki se bo v čezmejnem prostoru odvil med 16. in 22. oktobrom. Program ponuja še kratka filma Otava režiserke Lane Bregar ter Tako se je končalo poletje režiserja Matjaža Ivanišina. Pred filmom pripravljamo tudi kulinarično pogostitev, vabljeni torej na posebno filmsko doživetje v gozdu, ki ga ne gre zamuditi.

Dogodek je del programa Evropske prestolnice kulture GO! 2025.

V gozdu lahko postane zvečer precej hladno, zato ne pozabite na topla oblačila in svoje stolice.
V primeru slabega vremena se projekcija prestavi na naslednji dan – četrtek, 24. 8. 2023.


6. 8. 2023

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Z željo po vzpostavljanju novih filmskih prizorišč izven klasičnega urbanega okolja letos začenjamo sodelovanje s TKŠ društvom Lo-Ko Lokve, s katerim bomo priredili tamkajšnji Letni kino. V nedeljo, 6. avgusta, se ob 21.00 obeta projekcija filma Poživaljenje režiserja Petra Mettlerja, prejemnika nagrade Darko Bratina na čezmejnem filmskem festivalu Poklon viziji 2018. Film je navdihujoče sodelovanje med režiserjema Petrom Mettlerjem in Emmo Davie ter radikalnim piscem in filozofom Davidom Abramom.

Film bo predvajan v izvirnem jeziku s slovenskimi podnapisi.

V sodelovanju s TKŠ društvom Lo-Ko Lokve in festivalom Poklon viziji.

Več o dogodku.


3. 8. 2023



Sodelovanje med festivaloma Poklon viziji in Kino otok prinaša na 11. edicijo Letnega kina Silvana Furlana film Gigi zakon, ki je prejel posebno nagrado žirije v Locarnu 2022. Tradicionalni filmski večeri pod zvezdami se bodo v Novi Gorici odvili med 27. 7. in 4. 8. ob 21.00 na Ploščadi Silvana Furlana, celovečerni film režiserja Alessandra Comodina pa bo na sporedu 3. 8.

Gigi je karizmatičen, predan policaj v zaspanem podeželskem kraju v Furlaniji. Ko se zgodi nepojasnjen samomor, začne še bolj posvečeno nadzorovati življenje sokrajanov … Duhovit in pristno intimen portret človeka, tesno povezanega s svojim okoljem, se izmuzljivo suče med dokumentarnim in fikcijo, med realnim in fantazijo.

Ob tej priložnosti v goste prihaja tudi filmska ekipa. Vabljeni.

Več o Letnem kinu Silvana Furlana.


21. 7. 2023



This year, for the second time in a row, the Agorà section will come to life at the Sergio Amidei Award festival in Gorizia, where in an inter-festival collaboration - Amidei and Tribute to a vision - we will put the works of two independent filmmakers into dialogue. The section, curated by Steven Stergar, is created in the spirit of connecting and transcending borders, and above all, it strives to promote film art in anticipation of 2025 and the European Capital of Culture EPK GO! 2025.

Two films will be presented at the House of Film in Grizia on July 21, 2023, Videti El Aaiún by the Slovenian director and journalist Erik Valenčič and Il legionario by the Italian director with Belarusian roots Hleb Papou. The screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion in which the two filmmakers will participate. It will be moderated by the curator of the Agorà section, Steven Stergar.

"Through the optics of a genre film, Papou transcends the social and cultural stereotypes of contemporary Italy and presents a debut work that is actually unprecedented and rich in opportunities for reflection, while Valenčič, on the other hand, uses a documentary approach that sheds light on historical and cultural oblivion and directs the gaze into the collective memory of the entire people," wrote Steven Stergar in an essay published in the festival catalog. In his words, despite the peculiar approaches to storytelling and filmmaking, the films are united by the goal of encouraging the audience to think about topics that go beyond the immediacy of the image.

© Franco Samez


9. 7. 2023

The crystal globe of the Karlovy Vary International Festival (KVIFF) went to Stephan Komandarev, this year's recipient of the Darko Bratina award. The Grand Prix was presented to him by the American actress Robin Wright and the president of the festival Jiří Bartoška.

In total, the Bulgarian director won three awards for his eighth feature film, Blaga's Lessons, at KVIFF, in addition to the main award, the award for best actress, Eli Skorčeva, and the grand prize of the ecumenical jury. Komandarev will be a guest of the Tribute to a vision film festival, which will take place between October 16 and 22 this year. We are looking forward to seeing his retrospective together with him, a trip to the cinemas on the Slovenian-Italian border, and also his master class.

At the festival, the director described his film, which is a Bulgarian-German co-production, as a tribute to his parents' generation, many of whom fell victim to the rough transition to capitalism. "Komandarev has an incredible sense of detecting the nerve points of modern society, not only Bulgarian, where there is corruption, social imbalances, trampling on human dignity and, last but not least, the remnants of former ideologies that mix in the mud with new ones built solely on the imperative of capital," Patricija Maličev, program selector of the Tribute to a vision festival, justified.

Blaga's Lessons follows the story of a teacher who loses her life savings in a phone scam and then turns the tables by becoming a con artist herself. The jury's main prize for the Crystal Globe consists of 25,000 dollars, which will be divided between the director and the producers - Katja Tričková in addition to Komandarev, the festival announced.


Read more about the film director.

20. 6. 2023


 It is an honour to announce that Kinoatelje will award the director Stephan Komandarev the Darko Bratina Award 2023. The retrospective of the Bulgarian filmmaker will be on display from 16 to 22 October during the cross-border film festival Tribute to a vision / Poklon viziji / Omaggio a una visione, taking place in seven cities – Gorizia, Nova Gorica, Triest, Izola, San Pietro al Natisone, Udine and Ljubljana.

Kinoatelje is awarding the Darko Bratina 2023 award to Bulgarian director Stephan Komandarev for his in-depth film opus of documentaries and feature films, which in the past three decades has marked not only Bulgarian but also European cinema with the recognizable narrative of a critical thinker of modernity.
In his role as a chronicler of the socio-political conditions of the working class, Komandarev not only uses the film as a means of criticizing the power structure and protest in the interest of social reform, but with the cinematic language of social realism he persistently reflects on a country at an eternal crossroads, full of contradictions and a painful past. It forces the viewer to question the meaning of ideology and religion, national and ethnic borders, social imbalances and political corruption. The director understands social justice as the key to the transition to a society in which equality and solidarity are fundamental values, and individual dignity is inalienable.

Stephan Komandarev is one of the most internationally recognized and awarded modern Bulgarian filmmakers, he works as a director, producer and screenwriter. He was born in 1966 in Sofia, then still the capital of the communist People's Republic of Bulgaria. At first, he did not decide on studies that would lead to filmmaking, but his choice of study direction was already dictated by the desire to carefully observe and understand, to diagnose the inner impulses of a person. In 1993, he graduated in medicine from the Faculty of Medicine in Sofia and then worked as a psychiatrist at the pediatric clinic there for four years. His drive for social and psychological diagnoses then transformed, changed the discourse: he went to the chair of film and TV directing at the New Bulgarian University, where he received his second degree in 1998.
The very next year, he founded his own production company, Argo Film. They started producing short films, commercials and music videos. His feature debut, Pansion za kučeta (Pension for dogs), which premiered in 2001 at the Berlin International Film Festival, was quickly produced. He then made two documentaries, Hljab nad ogradata (Bread Over the Fence, 2002) and Azbuka na nadejdata (Abeceda upanja, 2003), which explore the borders between villages, countries and religions, and in the cracks between them discover the meaning of community and views into a possibly indefinite future.

More information about the author.


Call for volunteers: the Tribute to the Vision festival is growing new wings!

Kinoatelje is opening a call for new members of the festival team of the Tribute to the Vision cross-border film festival, which this time will be held between October 16 and 22.

We invite you to join us in co-creating the festival events, both in terms of production and realization. Festival events pervade places on both sides of the Slovenian-Italian border, we have outposts in Nova Gorica and Gorizia, Ljubljana, Izola, Trieste, San Pietro al Natisone and Udine.

We will involve volunteers as much as possible in the Gorizian part of the event.

We will be watching with great enthusiasm how the volunteers will spread their wings with the First Crossings festival platform. This section presents the younger generation of filmmakers and their fresh, innovative and eclectic short films of a wide variety of genres, which tend to discover new film languages. More about First Summers at this link.


In the application, you can write down more precisely what you are most interested in:

- preparation and implementation of festival screenings and accompanying events,

- creating content via social networks (Facebook, Instagram),

- promotion and distribution of festival materials,

- assistance to guests, domestic and foreign film artists,

- help with the First Crossings platform,

- documenting the festival events (video and photo),

- translation (Slovenian, Italian, English),

- help in preparing venues.


We invite all interested film lovers to register at the e-mail The age requirement for registration is at least 18 years.


In exchange for your help, you receive festival accreditation, food and accommodation, festival merch, full of new acquaintances and experiences, and the opportunity to become part of the annual festival team.


The application deadline is August 20, 2023.

17. 6. 2023

V soboto, 17. 6. 2023, se bo v Gorici odvil filmskih sprehod, ki bo obiskovalce popeljal po skritih in manj skritih kotičkih mesta na meji, ki so navdihnili številna kinematografska dela. Voden ogled se prične ob 18.30 izpred mladinskega centra Punto giovani na naslovu Via Carlo de Morelli 48 v Gorici. Dogodek je repriza sprehoda, ki smo ga jeseni priredili na čezmejnem filmskem festivalu Poklon viziji. Odvil se bo v italijanskem jeziku in nastaja v sodelovanju Kinoateljeja in društva Associazione Casa del Cinema di Trieste. Dodatne informacije in prijava na sprehod:

Poklon viziji in prvi poleti open call 2023.jpg


Call for entries is now open.

Deadline for submitting is August 10, 2023.

We are thrilled to inform you that we have just opened the call for FIRST CROSSINGS, a festival platform dedicated to discovering new film languages, a section that presents brave, youth–hearted, innovative authors that find exciting ways to explore new cinematic perspectives. It will be organized within the compelling film festival program of Tribute To A Vision, organized by the audiovisual center Kinoatelje. We are proud to offer a symbolic cash prize to our best short, awarded by our esteemed jury members, as well as our dear audiences.

Apply your short here.


Letos se je vzpostavila nova mreža festivalov, ki povezuje čezmejni filmski festival Poklon viziji (Gorica, Nova Gorica), filmski festival Mednarodna nagrada Sergio Amidei za najboljši scenarij iz Gorice (Italija), mednarodni festival Kino Otok in z mednarodni filmski festival Dnevi svetlobe iz Spilimberga (Italija). Nova mreža festivalov iz regije, ki se posveča filmski fotografiji in jeziku prek organizacije srečanj z direktorji fotografije in projekcij, se je oblikovala v perspektivi Evropske prestolnice kulture 2025 v Novi Gorici in Gorici (Italija).

Kot plod sodelovanja novo nastale mreže lahko 9. junija na festivalu Kino Otok napovemo projekcijo najnovejšega filma režiserja Ivana Gergoleta, ki nosi naslov Mož brez krivde. Na projekciji se nam bo pridružil tudi Ivan, ki bo ob pogovoru publiki neposredno predstavil številne zanimivosti, ki zadevajo film in njegovo nastajanje. V sklopu Pro Otoka pa 10. junija, prav tako na Kino Otoku, vabimo na mojstrski tečaj video umetnice in direktorice fotografije Debore Vrizzi, ki je med drugim sodelovala tudi pri Gergoletovem zadnjem filmu.

Preberi si več.



V On Thursday, December 15th at 2:30 p.m., the Ariston cinema in Trieste will host the screening of Michael (Carl Th. Dreyer, 1924), starring Nora Gregor. The supporting role in this film was a turning point in the actress' career, born in Gorizia in 1901. It took her all the way to Hollywood where she appeared alongside the biggest movie stars at the time. The event will take place as part of the I Mille occhi film festival and in the spirit of preparations for the European capital of culture GO! 2025. A few decades ago, Kinoatelje was the first to pay tribute to the actress from Gorizia by researching her personal and professional path, which resulted in the publication of the monograph Nora Gregor - L`imperfezione di bellezza / Nora Gregor - The imperfection of beauty. Thus, the cross-border film festival Tribute to a Vision is a co-organizer of the initiative of the partner film festival from Trieste.

Nora Gregor_edited.jpg



On Sunday, the Darko Bratina Award was presented to the German director Helke Misselwitz at Kinemax in Gorizia for the 23rd time in a row. Misselwitz was honored to receive the award, she herself comes from a country and city that was divided by a border, similar to what happened to Nova Gorica and Gorizia two years ago and after the Second World War. She herself says: "I am very happy that the audience here can also get to know my films, and at the same time I am learning about the story of your city with great interest. As a thank you, I would like to read the poetry of my dear Slovenian poet Srečko Kosovel, which also reveals my way of telling stories."


The audience was also addressed by Vesna Humar, State Secretary at the Government Office for Slovenians Abroad, who said: "Border areas always positively excite us, but above all they affect our perception of the world. Kinoatelje, the only primary organization of Slovenes in Italy dedicated to film culture, also contributes to this. It is the seventh art that effectively tells about cross-border stories, which teach us how to perceive history and difference, how to tell positive stories of borders to future generations." Fabrizio Oreti, councillor for culture of the municipality of Gorizia, emphasized: "At Kinoatelje, you raise the level of quality every year. In your DNA, however, you carry the richness of cross-borderness from the very beginning, when it was not yet something taken for granted. The vision you had so many years ago has become a reality today. Just like movies, you also turn dreams into reality.”


The animated short film Kurent by the author Miha Reja, produced by the Academy of Arts of the University of Nova Gorica, was recognized by the audience as the best film of this year's edition of First Crossings, which is a program section of the cross-border film festival Tribute to a Vision. The film will be screened again at the event dedicated to fresh Slovenian production of short films, organized by Kinoatelje. Join us on the 1st of December at 8:30 p.m. in the Kinemax cinema in Gorizia.


First Crossings have passed, but we are still excited about the events of the past weekend!

Our sincere congratulations go to the local author 𝗠iha Reja, who received the audience award for the animated film Kurent (2022, 6').

Here you can find photos of the entire event. On this link, videos of the first and second day.






We are starting with the First Crossings programme, which will take place between October 13 and 14 at Mostovna in Novo Gorica. The platform for developing new film languages will bring more than 30 fresh, innovative and eclectic films of all genres, both local and global productions.


The students of the Academy of Arts of the University of Nova Gorica and the University of Udine - DAMS Cinema also took the role of young curators, who will present the works of their peers, which they believe have most marked the current cross-border student production.


There will be a lecture by director Urška Djukić, who will reveal to us the experience of developing her short multi-award-winning, animated-documentary masterpiece Grandma's Sexual Life. We will show a selection of the awarded films from the FeKK short film festival. Part of the accompanying program is an art installation on anthropocentrism by M_cro and a multimedia performance by the group Hybrida with a tribute to Pier Paolo Pasolini on the 100th anniversary of his birth.


Full program at this link.




Between the 14th and 20th of July, the Sergio Amidei Award film festival will come to life in the heart Gorizia. This year Kinoatelje and the cross-border film festival Tribute to a Vision established a closer collaboration with the festival. The connection between the two festivals, dedicated to the seventh art and with the longest tradition in the cities on the border, brings a fresh Agorà section to the 41st edition of the Gorizia festival. It brings into dialogue the works of two young independent authors from Slovenia and Italy. The section, curated by Steven Stergar, is created in the spirit of connecting and tearing down borders, and above all, it strives to promote film art in anticipation of the year 2025 and the European Capital of Culture.

This year's edition presents the works of directors Francesca Mazzoleni and Nika Autor and tries to identify different or similar approaches to the same topics or ways of expression.

The presentation of Nika Autor's works will take place on July 15th at 4:30 p.m. in hall 3 in the Kinemax cinema in Gorizia. The following three short films will be screened:
 Newsreel 4517 – Across the Water to Freedom (SL 2022, Italian subtitles, 37′)
  Newsreel 670 – Red Forests (SL 2022, Italian subtitles, 16′)
  Newsreel 2021 – Here I Have Picture (SL 2022, Italian subtitles, 18′)

The presentation of Francesca Mazzoleni's works will take place on July 16th at 2:30 p.m. in hall 3 in the Kinemax cinema in Gorizia. We will be screening her feature film Punta sacra (IT 2020, English subtitles, 96′).

You are warmly invited to listen to a conversation with the two authors, which will be a part of a round table led by Steven Stergar on July 16th at 4:30 p.m. in Ugo Casiraghi's media library.

21. 6. 2022


It is an honor to announce that Kinoatelje will award the director Helke Misselwitz the Darko Bratina Award 2022.

The retrospective of the German filmmaker will be on display from 16 to 22 October during the cross-border film festival Tribute to a vision / Poklon viziji / Omaggio a una visione, taking place in seven cities – Gorizia, Nova Gorica, Triest, Izola, San Pietro al Natisone, Udine and Ljubljana.

Helke Misselwitz’s fascinating work serves as a chronicle of the final years, the collapse, and the aftermath of the German Democratic Republic. She documented the social and political changes of a country that doesn’t exist anymore. Her documentary and fiction films display a rare warmth and care for whoever appears in front of the camera, they are humanist essays about life and love while, at the same time, they speak about urgent issues such as the presence of borders, racism, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the inequality of women under the socialist regime, the search for a national identity or the difficulties of the working class. She touchingly captures the smallness of humans confronting life as well as history and thus reveals their greatness.  

Helke Misselwitz is one of Germany’s most important documentary filmmakers. She was born on July 18, 1947, in Planitz, a former city of the German Democratic Republic. From 1978 to 1982, she studied directing at the Academy for Film and Television in Potsdam-Babelsberg. In the beginning she made short essayistic pieces, and later on documentaries and feature films, all for the DEFA Studio. From 1997 to 2014, Misselwitz was a professor for directing at Filmuniversität Babelsberg and she is a member of the Academy of the Arts. In 2016 she received the honorary award at the German Film Critics’ Awards. She is still producing films, and lives in Berlin and near Rheinsberg.

Helke Misselwitz.jpg

© Sandra Buschow (


After the 22nd edition of the cross-border film festival Poklon viziji / Omaggio a una visione, organized by Kinoatelje in October, an interview with this year's recipient of the Darko Bratina Award aired on Monday, November 29, at 10.50 pm on RTV Slovenia. The interview with festival winner Peter Zeitlinger was prepared by Mateja Valentinčič for the TV show Umetni raj.

You can watch the show again at this link.


Poklon viziji podelitev 20. 10. 2021 mc 10vodilna.jpg


FOTO from the masterclass.


A short impression from the first day of the festival that took place in Slovenska kinoteka in Ljubljana.

PHOTOS from the festival.


10. 10. 2021


Our jury awarded the film Love, Dad (2021) by the Czech-Vietnamese director Diana Cam Van Nguyen. They also gave three special mentions to the films  The Disappearance of Tom R. (Paul Sirague, 2020), Outside the Oranges Are Blooming (Nevena Desivojević, 2019) and Past Perfect (Jorge Jácome, 2019). The festival crew gave a special mention award to the film Flowers Blooming in Our Throats (Eva Giolo, 2020).

The audience, however, gave the most votes to Thanasis Neofotistos’ film, Route 3 (2019).

Congratulations to all the winners!

Photos and the aftermovie of the second day of  First Crossings:

9. 10. 2021

Photos and the aftermovie of the first day of  First Crossings:

8. 10. 2021


Here you can find the editorial of the festival catalog, written by the festival director Mateja Zorn. The text summarizes the reflection on what the festival represents and on what is hidden in the program of the 22nd edition.

Slovene version

Italian version


The 22nd edition of the Tribute to a Vision cross-border film festival is just around the corner.
We are opening this year’s festival with the program section First Crossings, which will take place between the 8th and 10th of October in Mostovna in Nova Gorica. The platform for the development of new film approaches will bring 20 fresh, innovative and eclectic film forms of all genres in the competition program. These films are in one way or another connected with the theme of the forest and also with the theme of the border. Both themes represent the concept of the border in its most original form. The program includes a cinema-concert on the 110th anniversary of the first Italian feature film L'inferno (1911). With this special Saturday event, the musical accompaniment of silent film L’inferno (1911), we want to pay tribute to the great poet Dante on the 700th anniversary of his death. Close cooperation with the Academy of Arts of the University of Nova Gorica continues, which, in addition to the presentation of fresh productions, also brings intermedia performance Spaces of thought by Abiral Khadko.
On Friday, there will be a presentation of the collective and the magazine Robida and a reading performance by Aljaž Škrlep, who will present himself with his research Dark Forest, in which he connects forest, philos
ophy and dark art, equipped with a montage of excerpts of forests from various horror films and some other films.
There will be no shortage of educational activities and also a family program. We invite all youngsters from the age of 12 and up to join us at the Thinking about Film workshop, which will take place on Sunday morning and will be dedicated to film reflection. In the afternoon, the program will include a screening of a family film Il Solengo.


4. 10. 2021


Here you can read an in-depth reflection on Peter Zeitlinger’s films written by the festival’s program collaborator, Patrick Holzapfel. The article will also be part of the traditional festival catalog, which is already in print!

6. 8. 2021


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We invite you to join us at the screening of the film The Border (1996) on Friday, August 6, 2021, at 9 pm at in Europe square, the joining point of Nova Gorica and Gorica. With the screening of the film The Border (1996) we want to pay tribute to a dear friend, film director Franco Giraldi, recipient of the Darko Bratina Award 2011.


15. 7. 2021


peter zeitlinger.jpg

It is an honor to announce that Kinoatelje will award the director of photography Peter Zeitlinger the Darko Bratina Award 2021.

The retrospective of the Austrian filmmaker born in Prague will be on display from 18 to 24 October during the cross-border film festival Tribute to a vision / Poklon viziji / Omaggio a una visione, taking place in seven cities – Gorizia, Nova Gorica, Triest, Izola, San Pietro al Natisone, Udine and Ljubljana. Zeitlinger will hold a day-long masterclass on Wednesday 20 October 2021 in Gorizia.

Zeitlinger’s approach to cinematography goes back to the very beginning of the medium when it was still in rhythm with the world surrounding it and constantly developing ideas about how to capture situations. In his work the camera serves what is in front of it instead of creating its own reality. Zeitlinger embarks on journeys into unknown territories, be it to remote locations (the Chauvet Cave in Cave of Forgotten Dreams) or places shattered by history (devastated New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina in Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans) in his work with Herzog or into the abysses of the human (and Austrian) soul in his work with Ulrich Seidl (Tierische Liebe or Die letzten Männer, for example) or Helmut Grasser (Die Wahlkämpfer). More than once his camera captured the breaking points of emotions and ethical values. Yet, no matter if it concerns people being confronted with their traumatic past, dangerous animals, Nazism or trance like dream states, his images remain curious and never judgmental. In a world in which images are mostly made for “likes”, this is a welcoming reminder of the power of cinema.

15. 6. 2021


With its fourth edition on the way, First Crossings is again in search of aesthetically novel and innovative films, both from emerging and well-established authors who strive towards foundation of new film languages.​ Taking place on the border region between Slovenia and Italy (Nova Gorica/Gorizia) the festival encourages film narratives that, one way or another, evoke the “border”; thus edgy, daring, queer cinema is prioritized and mostly welcome. Furthermore, this year we chose to have a thematic centerpiece revolving around the forest.

Find out more about the open call on the website of First Crossings.

1. 2. 2021


The 32nd edition of Trieste Film Festival is finished. The film Otac / Father by the director Srdan Golubović received two awards. Congratulations! The film was awarded the audiance award for the best feature film and the award by the Central European Initiative, which is given to the film that best represent our everyday reality and intercultural dialogue.


6. 10. 2020



On Tuesday, 6 October 2020, at 7.30 p.m., we conferred the Darko Bratina Award on the Serbian film director Srdan Golubović. The ceremony took place at the Nova Gorica Cultural Centre.

In his films, Srdan Golubović portrays the reality of post-transitional Serbian society, actually any society, and, with his now already recognisable film narration, strings stories about the power of the corrupt political and economic systems that leave behind them graveyards not only of individual fates, but also of ideals. With his specific film language and his consideration of the historical and social specificities, he reveals how, at the far edge of the global context of contemporary life, we face risks of incomparable, cataclysmic dimensions, originating in the intersection of the partial and one-sided interests of individuals and the interests of the community.

At the ceremony, the representatives of both Nova Gorica and Gorizia were present. In their welcome speeches, the Mayor of the City Municipality of Nova Gorica Dr Klemen Miklavič and the Councillor of Culture of the Municipality of Gorizia Fabrizio Oreti recognised the significance and the vision of our festival and Kinoatelje’s activities. 

6. 10. 2020


The master class programme took place in two parts. In the first, we focused on the process of filmmaking, the filmmaker’s perfected film language and poetics. In the second part, we focused on his oeuvre and his work process, which we considered from the perspective of sociological imagination. We also got to know Golubović in the role of an intellectual that precisely detects the sensitive points of the society we live in. Occasionally, Boris T. Matič, a producer and film critic, and Patricija Maličev, a journalist and the festival’s selector, entered into a dialogue with the award winner.


In his films, Srdan Golubović portrays the reality of post-transitional Serbian society, actually any society, and, with his now already recognisable film narration, strings stories about the power of the corrupt political and economic systems that leave behind them graveyards not only of individual fates, but also of ideals. With his specific film language and his consideration of the historical and social specificities, he reveals how, at the far edge of the global context of contemporary life, we face risks of incomparable, cataclysmic dimensions, originating in the intersection of the partial and one-sided interests of individuals and the interests of the community.

5. 10. 2020


The First Crossings program has finished!

The jury has selected the winning film of the short competition section: At the other end of the table, from the French director Lise Rémon.

Motivation: At the other end of the table is a graphically constructed miniature about communication, on point in its pencil-sharpened precision and utterly relevant for our present moment. This tiny little animated film, by using sketchy lines and a simple but clever mise-en-scene, offers a much bigger and complex reflection about listening and hearing, through screens or across tables, about the need and the wish for breaking the codes of different wavelengths - about human relationships and the meaning of being together, now.

Special mentions of the jury:

The first special mention goes to the multilayered fiction Dramatic relationships by Dustin Guy Defa for its precise directorial concept and effective use of comedy to highlight an important political message.
The second special mention goes to the poetic ethnological documentation of a specific and yet universal space and time Then comes the evening by Maja Novaković.
Last, but not least, the third special mention goes to the minimalistic experimental film poem Fish by Filip Bojarski and it’s haunting capture of the real and the metaphysical.


And the audience has decided to give the public’s award to the music video No Walk No Talk, made by the director Neli Maraž.



6. 10. 2020



The Darko Bratina award ceremony will be held on Tuesday, 6th October, at 19.30 in Kulturni dom Nova Gorica, together with the Slovenian pre-premiere of the awardee's latest feature film Father (Otac, 2020). During the day Srdan Golubović will also have the traditional masterclass.


2. 10. - 4.10. 2020


The first part of this year's edition of the festival will be held in the spirit of First Crossings, platform for development of new film languages, at Mostovna in Nova Gorica. On Friday, 2nd October at 4pm there will be an inauguration of an exhibition titled Spaces in space, made by the students of the School of Arts, University of Nova Gorica. At 19.30 follows the Celebration of the 100th anniversary of the film The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. Short films and videoclips will be competing for the award by our jury: the winner will be announced on Sunday, 4th October, but before that, join us at the film program for the whole family.

27. 9. 2020


On the lower link you can find and of course read the new catalog of the Tribute to a visione 2020 edition!

Writers that contributed texts for this year's catalog: Cristina Battocletti, Patricija Maličev, Niccola Falcinella, Mateja Zorn and the First Crossings group: Sandra Jovanovska, Dora Ciccone and Aljaž Škrlep.

SLO: >>




25. 9. 2020


SOON ...

In precisely one week the 20th edition of the cross-border film festival Tribute to a Vision, organized by Kinoatelje from the Gorica region with many partners, is starting! The film caravan will begin in Nova Gorica, where the events of the First Crossings section will take place. On Monday, 5. 10., at Hiša filma /Palazzo del cinema there will also be an interesting professional meeting, together with two films of Srdan Golubović, this year’s awardee of the Darko Bratina award. On Tuesday, 6. 10., we are moving back to the Slovenian side of the border, where a masterclass with Srdan Golubović will take place in Kulturni dom Nova Gorica. Later in the evening in Kulturni dom we will also have the award ceremony for the Darko Bratina award and a Slovene pre-premiere of Golubović’s film Father.

7. 9. 2020



We are looking for volunteers who would like to participate in the realization of the festival Poklon viziji/Omaggio a una visione. A young festival team would like to invite other film enthusiasts, who would like to experience the organization and realization of a film festival.

For more information, please write to us:


2. 8. 2020



Tribute to a Vision Festival will – in cooperation with Kino Otok Film Festival – on 2nd August at the Silvan Furlan Open Air Cinema in Nova Gorica host the slovene premiere of the film Sandlines, the Story of History (2019). A film charged with sincerity, in which the open minds of the children take us through the history of Iraq.

Sandlines, the Story of History

Francis Alÿs

Iraq, 2019, 61'

Francis Alÿs has been preparing a number of projects in collaboration with local communities around the world over the last twenty years. With children from a mountain village near Mosul, they stage a century of Iraqi history from a secret agreement in 1916 to a period of terror established by the Islamic State in 2016. Children take on historical roles and conjure up a story about history with modest props, and by learning about the past they begin to understand their own present more easily.

The Slovene premiere of the film was prepared in cooperation with the Kino Otok and Poklon viziji festivals.


Guest: Tanja Hladnik, head of the Kino Otok Film Festival

17. 6. 2020





At today's press conference, we announced the awardee of the Darko Bratina 2020 award, which is being presented by Kinoatelje for the twenty-first time in a row and focuses on the current oeuvre of feature films by Serbian director Srdan Golubović. In his works, Golubović portrays the lifecycles of post-transitional society with consistent sensitivity and uncompromising narratives, and reveals the power of corrupt political and economic systems, which leave behind cemeteries not only of the fates of individuals but also those of ideals. We also presented the vision of this year's cross-border film festival Tribute to Vision, which will take place from 2nd to 10th October 2020.

>> press release

novinarska konferenca Poklon viziji 17.6

12. 5. - 1. 8. 2020


Dear friends of the cross-border film festival Tribute to a Vision!

We are happy to announce that the festival Tribute to a Vision section First Crossings is starting an open call for short films.

The cross-border film festival Tribute to a Vision, organized by the cross-border cultural association Kinoatelje, will take place from 2 and 10 October 2020. The programme of the 21st edition will be enriched by the First Crossings / Prvi Poleti / Primi Voli programme, which will be held in Nova Gorica and Gorizia between 2 and 4 October 2020. Despite the circumstances and regulations regarding the organization of live events that await us in the autumn, the organizers are committed carry out the festival. If the circumstances will prevent live events, we are preparing to give it at least partly a digital form.

The core of the First Crossings programme, intended for exploring new film languages, will consist of short films created by promising and innovative authors who dare to be free and give way to film experimentation. This year, the focus will be mainly on sound and music in film. Thus, the open call for submissions is somewhat expanded, as we want to invite musicians to participate as well. On 12 May, we launched an international open call for authors who are dealing with the topic of the border and the possibilities of crossing it, equally in the audio-visual and musical world. In addition, the First Crossings programme offers young authors the opportunity to exhibit their work, and at the same time supports the local artists, as those from Slovenia and Italy can submit their works free of charge.

For submissions, please follow the instructions available on this link.

At the end of May, we are planning a press conference where we will announce this year's recipient of the Darko Bratina award.

OPEN CALL-firstcrossings.gif

2. - 10. 10. 2020



We want to inform you that we are going to announce the awardee of this year's Darko Bratina Award in the beginning of June. The festival itself will be happening from 2nd to the 10th of October 2020!

27. 4. - 3. 5. 2020


In these days there are a lot of very interesting things going on on the internet! Films of the awardee of the Darko Bratina award in the year 2012 Karpo Godina can be seen on streamed online until the 3rd of May.

>> Facebook link

17. 4. - 2. 5. 2020





Do you still remember our guest and awardee of the 2018 Darko Bratina Award – Peter Mettler? For everybody who hasn't seen his films at our festival – good news! In these days a retrospective of Mettler's films is happening online at the Visions du Réel festival. For more information click on this link.

30. 11. 2019


In the new Kinotečnik, there is an article about Kim Longinotto, entitled Kim Longinotto - a synonym for rebellion, written by the festival's program associate Patricija Maličev!

"[...] The director's trademark is a recognizably direct and discreet, unobtrusively sympathetic, but at the same time politically aware approach to the themes and central heroines/heroes, and she is completely excluded from the narrative each time, so we can neither hear her questions nor comments, nor additional narrations in the off. [...]"

9. 11. 2019


V novem Kinotečniku tudi članek o Kim Longinotto, z naslovom Kim Longinotto - sinonim upora, ki ga je napisala festivalska programska sodelavka Patricija Maličev!

»[...] Režiserkin zaščitni znak je prepoznavno neposreden in diskreten, nevsiljivo sočuten, a hkrati politično ozaveščen pristop do tem in osrednjih junakinj/junakov, sama pa se iz naracije vsakokrat popolnoma izvzame, zato ni slišati ne njenih vprašanj ali komentarjev ne dodatne naracije v offu. [...]«

Članek si lahko v celoti preberete na tej povezavi na 15. strani!

9. 11. 2019


V novem Kinotečniku tudi članek o Kim Longinotto, z naslovom Kim Longinotto - sinonim upora, ki ga je napisala festivalska programska sodelavka Patricija Maličev!

»[...] Režiserkin zaščitni znak je prepoznavno neposreden in diskreten, nevsiljivo sočuten, a hkrati politično ozaveščen pristop do tem in osrednjih junakinj/junakov, sama pa se iz naracije vsakokrat popolnoma izvzame, zato ni slišati ne njenih vprašanj ali komentarjev ne dodatne naracije v offu. [...]«

Članek si lahko v celoti preberete na tej povezavi na 15. strani!

16. 10. 2019





As part of the First Crossings section, today we also awarded two awards for the best short films! The audience award was awarded to a french director Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis for his film Swatted (2018) and the jury award went to the hands of a Slovenian director Peter Cerovšek for the film Fundamenti (2018).

Congratulations to both authors!

8. 10. 2019



Avtor: Urban Košir

7. 10. 2019



V novem Kinotečniku tudi članek o Kim Longinotto, z naslovom Kim Longinotto - sinonim upora, ki ga je napisala festivalska programska sodelavka Patricija Maličev!

»[...] Režiserkin zaščitni znak je prepoznavno neposreden in diskreten, nevsiljivo sočuten, a hkrati politično ozaveščen pristop do tem in osrednjih junakinj/junakov, sama pa se iz naracije vsakokrat popolnoma izvzame, zato ni slišati ne njenih vprašanj ali komentarjev ne dodatne naracije v offu. [...]«

Članek si lahko v celoti preberete na tej povezavi na 15. strani!

24. 8. 2019

K  I  N  O


V novem Kinotečniku tudi članek o Kim Longinotto, z naslovom Kim Longinotto - sinonim upora, ki ga je napisala festivalska programska sodelavka Patricija Maličev!

»[...] Režiserkin zaščitni znak je prepoznavno neposreden in diskreten, nevsiljivo sočuten, a hkrati politično ozaveščen pristop do tem in osrednjih junakinj/junakov, sama pa se iz naracije vsakokrat popolnoma izvzame, zato ni slišati ne njenih vprašanj ali komentarjev ne dodatne naracije v offu. [...]«

Članek si lahko v celoti preberete na tej povezavi na 15. strani!

10. 6. 2019


K  I  N  O

28. 5. 2019


This year the festival Kino Otok – partner festival of Kinoatelje's Tribute to a Vision – is celebrating its 15th anniversary!

This year the festival will be happening from the 5th to the 9th of June in Izola. On Friday, 7th of June, at 13:00 you will also have the opportunity to watch the latest film of the director who won the Darko Bratina award in 2017, Mario Brenta, and co-director Karine de Villers – The Cat’s Smile (Il sorriso del gatto, Italija, 2018, 61').

Today at the press conference we announced the awardee of the Darko Bratina award 2019, which Kinoatelje has been awarding for twenty consecutive years and is putting in focus the opus of a british documentarist, cineast Kim Longinotto, who in a direct and discreet, unobtrusive, compassionate, yet at the same time politically conscious way, emphasizes the role of women in contemporary society.

14. 5. 2019


Bringing a new freshness to the festival Tribute to a Vision is the young program First Crossings, which inclines to work as a short film platform for exploring new film languages.

We also opened an OPEN CALL, where we accept submissions for your short movies!

FilmFreeWay/First Crossings

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